V Pro Pharmacy membership has been Free and remained FREE exclusively for our loyal customers. As a way of thanking your support, members will be able to enjoy a variety of discounts and offers from time to time. Besides that, you will be able to accumulate points and these points can be used to off set part of your purchases.
Once a member, always a member - Our Lifetime Membership Program.
Don't like any hassle? Our membership does not have a member card. You are the member card, to redeem your points, simply bring your Identification Card and we will assist you.
To join as a member, simply fill up a simple form in our outlet or click the Button below.
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”), Vibrante Pro Sdn Bhd (“VPSB”) is mindful and committed to the protection of your personal information and your privacy.
Collection of Personal Information
In order for us to provide you with our Product and/or Services and to operate in an efficient and effective manner, we may need to collect relevant personal information from you either manually or through our website. The personal information collected by us may be in the form of but is not limited to name, identity card number, address, bank account details, telephone number, credit card details, business details or any other information stipulated by the PDPA.
Purposes of Processing
VPSB processes your personal data only for specific and limited purposes.
You agree that all personal data collected and/or processed by VPSB may include but not be limited to the following purposes:
1. To communicate with you;
2. To inform you of our products and services;
3. To respond to your queries;
4. To send you promotional material;
5. To process applications for and the provision of VPSB’s Products and/or Services;
6. For marketing purposes and research purposes;
7. For all other purposes incidental and associated with any of the above.
Should you have any queries, kindly contact us using our contact form.